Advanced Molecular Sciences (LM-54)

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Cosa dicono gli studenti di: Degree Course Advanced Molecular Sciences 


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Manifesto of Studies
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What is there to know?


 Degree Course Advanced Molecular Sciences
President Ilaria Palchetti | master-ams(AT)

The University of Florence offers a new Master course  in Advanced Molecular Sciences to all International and  Italian students that possess a BSc degree in Chemistry  or similar. The goal of the Master course is the training  and education of the next generation of chemists on  the cutting-edge research in Chemistry of Materials and  Life Sciences. 

Learning objectives and Career opportunities

Learning objectives:  the Master will provide all the skills required for an advanced  career in the industry and in academic centers.  All courses will be held in English. The Master course will enable our graduate students to design, synthesize  and characterize materials and biological molecules.  The topics covered will include inorganic and organic  materials, small bioactive molecules, complex biological  macromolecules and diagnostic tools. 

Career opportunities: the graduates will be able to deal with any kind of  synthetic, diagnostic and characterization task. Their  expertise will be a precious asset for carrying out PhD  courses and for entering the job market worldwide. 

Curriculum and didactic regulations



Teaching tables 






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